Alien Hand Syndrome

Posted by unik On Saturday, November 12, 2011 0 comments

Medical Syndromes, Strange Medical Syndromes 
Also known as Dr. Strangelove syndrome and “anarchic hand,” AIS is a neurological disorder that makes the victim feel like he has lost control of one of his hands. In extreme cases, sufferers have been reported to engage in violent wrestling with their own hand, with the appendages even trying to strangle the patient while sleeping. Alien hand syndrome is caused by trauma to the brain — such as a stroke, aneurysm or head injury — and the symptoms can be treated, although the condition itself has no cure.

Exploding Head Syndrome

Medical Syndromes, Strange Medical Syndromes
People with exploding head syndrome intermittently hear loud, explosion-like noises that seem to originate from within their own head. The “explosions” usually occur within an hour or two hours of the victim falling asleep. There’s no physical pain, but sufferers understandably experience fear and anxiety after such attacks. While it’s not clear what exactly causes the syndrome, it’s been linked to stress and fatigue and often vanishes without any treatment


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